
Showing posts from December, 2017

Simple, Effective Tricks to Make More Money for Your Blog

Simple, Effective Tricks to Make More Money for Your Blog Now that you have established your blog in the wide Web, you will naturally look for ways to earn money from it. Well, save for those who are already financially free, most individuals of today start a blog to earn additional income anyway so it is no surprise that many bloggers are itching to learn ways in doing so. The most popular income stream of bloggers is the Google Adsense. Being the search engine giant that it is, the AdSense platform can easily match adverts based on what your readers are searching for. Google is able to do this because it has a massive analytics algorithm which takes into account what the user has been searching for over a certain period. This is actually a two-way street. You as the blogger will generate a percentage of commission every time somebody clicks on your ad units, in which the reader was being provided with relevant information (that's why he clicked on the ad in the first place),